Tuesday 26 March 2013

Which Came First the Louse or the Nit?

Nobody knows! Although, we do know that Lice are transmitted by head to head contact or by accident when a hat, brush or frequently used object is shared.  In addition to elementary aged children, we are seeing an increase in the cases of Head Lice in middle and even high school.  Isn't technology great, heads are together more than ever while laughing at the latest text, viewing the latest posting of "Call me Maybe" on YouTube, checking out the latest tweet on whose dating who or sending silly pictures to friends all night at a sleepover! Those little buggers like fresh heads and if the opportunity arises as it is more and more often, the Lice will travel.

We can help you get rid of Head Lice the first time at Pediatric Hair Solutions.  We have successfully treated over 2,200 patients with a 100% effectiveness rate.

Call us 7 days a week with any questions or concerns regarding Head Lice.  We can help you the first time!

Almost all prescription and over-the-counter medications sold today for treating head lice contain pesticides or other chemicals, many of which have the potential to cause irritating skin reactions or other harmful side effects. For anyone looking to treat head lice the safe way, the LouseBuster™ device uses only controlled, heated air, so it is very safe – even when used to treat people with asthma and those who have previously experienced side effects from other products. Please visit Pediatric Hair Solutions.

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